How Long Has Laser Skin Resurfacing Been Around?

How Long Has Laser Skin Resurfacing Been Around? 1

The laser technological advancements originated in 1900, when a German physicist, Max Planck, discovered a relationship between frequency of radiation and energy and concluded that energy could only be absorbed or emitted in quanta.

Another significant advancement in laser surgery was discovered in the research for laser technology to treat scars or ankles and safely resurface the skin substantially. Today, light devices and lasers can regale and rejuvenate vascular lesions of all kinds.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

How Laser Skin Resurfacing Works

According to Sentient Lasers, two kinds of lasers are commonly used in laser resurfacing. These types include erbium and CO2 (carbon dioxide). Every laser vaporizes the skin cells damaged at the surface level.

People have been using CO2 laser resurfacing for many years to treat various skin problems, such as warts, scars, enlarged oil glands on the nose, and wrinkles. The latest version of this method, fractionated CO2, uses continuous light beams delivered in a scanning pattern. This helps to get rid of thin layers of skin.

On the other hand, erbium laser resurfacing is designed to eliminate moderate and surface-level wrinkles or deep lines on the chest, face, neck, or hands. Among the advantages of this type of laser resurfacing is minimal burning of the surrounding tissues. It also causes several side effects, like:

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Bruising

Preparing for the Procedure

Preparation begins with consulting a dermatologist or plastic surgeon to determine if you’re a perfect candidate. Tell your dermatologist or doctor if you get fever blisters/cold sores around your mouth.

If you choose to proceed with the procedure, your doctor may advise you not to take any supplements or medications. This may include vitamin E, aspirin, and ibuprofen, affecting clotting for several days before surgery.

If you also smoke, you must stop for two weeks before the procedure. Smoking might prolong the healing process. However, most doctors prescribe antibiotic medications beforehand to avoid bacterial infections.

How often is the Treatment Required?

Knowing which one suits you with many cosmetic treatments for treating different facial aging signs might be challenging.

When deciding what treatment to pursue, you must consider several factors, including recovery time and cost. Apart from the problems you want to treat, the vital variable to choosing the proper skin treatment is determining how the result will last.

Benefits of Laser Skin Resurfacing

The critical goal of laser resurfacing is to improve skin appearance by eliminating top layers with blemishes and minor facial flaws, such as aging spots, acne, and wrinkles.

By removing the outer layer of your skin, the younger and newer-looking skin underneath will be revealed to rejuvenate the skin’s appearance and have a more youthful and tighter look.

Closing Remarks!

Years of gradual loss of skin elasticity and sun exposure lead to skin dullness, wrinkles, and age spots.

Throughout the 1990s, skin surgeons have used laser resurfacing to remove sun-damaged skin and allow the growth of more evenly toned and smoother skin.

While the results were still great, the side effects following laser resurfacing are predictable and frequent. However, further advancements in skin resurfacing have seen tremendous development, making the Treatment suitable for skin problems.

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